This is how they did it! And you can do it too!

Unlike old times, shoppers nowadays literally have tens upon tens of options on how to shop online. There’s Shopee, Lazada, Carousell, Shopify, and the list goes on. Let’s not forget about dedicated websites by independent brands and Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

So if you are running an eCommerce business, how do you make sure that your business stays competitive in the ever-changing market?

  • 79% of web shoppers who are dissatisfied with website performance say they won’t return to the site again.
  • 47% of consumers expect web pages to load in two seconds or less.
  • 64% of smartphone users will abandon a page that takes longer than four seconds to load.

How do you stand out? What makes your online store so unique that shoppers can’t resist shopping from you? The answer is, you need to be able to attract their attention quickly! As in really quick!

How can you do it? Let’s dissect these 6 INSANELY strategic methods done by top eCommerce websites.

1. The website must load fast! Like REAL FAST!

If your website does not load in between 2-5 seconds, you should tackle that first before taking a second look at your products or branding. Sometimes, the biggest threat is not about the competitor but the customer experience.

If your website loads too slowly, there’s a high possibility that your customers won’t wait around. They’ll go somewhere else!

Plus, it is statistically proven that people today shop through the phone.

Meaning, not only you have to make sure that the website is not too heavy for the desktop, you need to ensure it is mobile-friendly too!

2. Make sure everything is appropriately sized and smooth.

Clear and seamless navigation process.

Just like how you shop at retail stores, you sometimes need time to look at other items, compare prices, and such before proceeding to check out, right? The same applies to eCommerce, except make it digital.

Make sure your Search Bar is at its best!

Sure, you might already have an All Products tab, but some people want to search for what they’re looking for with the least number of clicks! Furthermore, it’s best to put unnecessary clicks and features at a minimum to avoid users losing interest.

To test this, try navigating on your own website. You will be able to see which section to delete and which to improve.

3. Make it more human with customer reviews.

Customer reviews are trusted 12 times more than a marketing piece from an organization. So let them do the talking.

Sure, you can list down all the awesome things your products claim to have. But seeing is believing! Shoppers want to see what others get first before buying for themselves.

Even you look at the reviews section before proceeding to checkout, right?

4. Content: quantity or quality?

Sometimes, silence is louder than words. When it comes to content online, less is indeed more! We cannot deny that fewer and fewer people dislike reading.

Instead of cluttering your websites in paragraphs, why don’t you combine all that into a short video? They convey the same message and make your website less messy!

When in doubt, remember the minimalism concept! If you feel bored with your own website, it’s time to spice things up.

5. Clear CTA on your Hero Section!

If shoppers can’t wait 5 seconds for a website to load, they definitely don’t have time to play ‘find the hidden buttons’ on your website!

Customers have short attention spans and have no patience to hunt down your phone number or email address. Moreover, their impression of your business drops dramatically when their time is wasted searching for something that should be easy to find in seconds.

So, be obvious with your CTAs!

6. Everybody loves Free Shipping.

Ironically, shoppers prefer spending more on products rather than paying shipping on cheaper items. It may sound funny, but it’s true!

Customers love free shipping. As long as you can absorb the cost, offering free shipping is a must to stay competitive nowadays as an online store.

With free shipping, customers don’t need to worry about hidden costs and makes the buying process more transparent.

Are You Ready To Get Started?

Without doing the proper research, starting a business can turn into a very expensive headache.

Before opening your doors, discover if there is a market for your product. Keyword tools like Ubersuggest and Google Trends will help you gain insight into how a niche performs.

Build an e-commerce website that is easy to navigate and visually appealing. Then fill it up with content related to your topic. Use SEO techniques to take advantage of search engine results and get people to your page.

Brader Design—listed as one of the 23 Best Website Builder in Malaysia—specializes in optimizing your eCommerce performance!

All-in-one Online Sales Machine, from web development, digital marketing, funnel mastery, web design, and content copywriting.

Finally, always be improving. Ready to get started? Let us Braders help you kick start your e-Commerce journey!