People need health checks and so do websites. If you have a website built on a WordPress platform, you may need to perform a website health checklist for the website on a regular basis.

Many business owners ignore or forget to do maintenance and health checks on their WordPress website. But these tasks actually keep your website functional and ensure traffic can visit your website without any problem.

Check Your Hosting Performance

Being on a WordPress platform, your hosting provider shall ensures certain requirements are met. These includes, but not limited to;

  • Daily backup of your website.
  • Protection against hackers.
  • Availability of website stats software that allows you to monitor your website traffic.
  • Availability of a 24/7 support team in case anything goes wrong.

Update Your Themes & Plugins

You don’t have to be a computer expert to perform maintenance on the themes & plugins in your WordPress website. It tends to revolve around version upgrades. Just make sure your themes and plugins are updated and are integrated with each other. In some cases, you may be recommended to do a full backup first before you update your systems and plugins versions, so keep your hosting provider in the loop should you require their backup services.

Check Your Website Speed

People will move away from your WordPress website in a nanosecond if there are pages and links which do not load quickly.

How fast should the website load? Your website pages and links should load in three seconds or less. That is QUICK.

What should be on your WordPress website health checklist for speed? Possibilities include:

  • Making sure you do not have too many video links or ads which slow everything down.
  • Ensure you have compressed images and files.
  • Check to see if the WordPress website has any malware issues.

If you want to rank your website on Google search, then your website speed is one of the most important factors, that even Google has prepared a tools to help you improve your website speed. Just go to Google’s PageSpeed Insights and follow their detailed recommendations.

Website Health Checks Keeps You Competitive In The Market

There is no amount of money that can place enough value on your website’s ability to increase your income. So why take away from your website by never performing a website health checklist?

Your website represents who you are, what your business does, and the value you place on that business.

You should always have optimum user-friendly mobility and SEO capabilities. We are there to help you make your business goals a reality. We do this with factual information while assisting you in your business.

We help in creating, designing and maintaining your business website and vision. Don’t wait to achieve your business goals. Contact us today!

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