There are over a billion websites online right now so any leg up you can give your web design to make it stand out from the crowd is essential. Interactive websites are dynamic, engaging experiences that benefit your users and your brand. But what exactly is an interactive site? And is it worth investing in one? Here’s a primer on interactive web pages: what they are and why you need one.

What Is an Interactive Website?

You could argue that any website that includes hyperlinks is interactive. But when we talk about interactive sites we’re going beyond the simple navigational click. Interactive sites facilitate the user’s active engagement with the site. They do this through content input, content manipulation, and personalization. Some common examples of interactive sites include:

  • Blogs: that invite to comment, share, or like
  • Forums: that invite discussion
  • Wikis: that invite collaboration and content submission
  • Social platforms: that invite status updates, likes, and shares
  • Online gaming apps: that invite playing an interactive game

Invite Commitment

We’re very particular about the information we give out about ourselves. Think about the last time you hit it off with an acquaintance. You shared more personal information with them than the random who tried to talk to you on the bus, no doubt. This sharing of personal information invites something called a “micro commitment”. It’s a powerful tool in the building of relationships. When people invest time into your website, you’re building trust in your brand. And the more people trust you the more likely they are to convert to paying customers.

Personalize Content

The more information you have about a person, the more you’re able to personalize their experience on your website. And the more personalized the experience, the more likely that user is to use your services. Think of it this way: advertising a Rolls Royce to a college student isn’t going to work out so well. Aiming that same advertisement at a mid-40s entrepreneur on the other hand… Interactive sites help us better-target our products, advertisements, and information through personalization.

Improve Your SEO

Google rewards good content and that means engaging content. The longer you can keep people on your site, the higher Google will regard it in search results. Interactive sites keep users on the page in a number of ways, including:

  • Encouraging commenting
  • Encouraging exploration
  • Building trust through micro-commitments

Google also pays attention to how many other sites are linking back to yours. A well designed, interactive site is more likely to encourage sharing, linking, and word-of-mouth referrals.

Improve Customer Experience

Interactive sites invite people to be engaged with your brand. This engagement can not only help drive sales, but it can also help you keep existing customers. Just responding to comments on blog posts can help fortify existing customer relationships. You’re indicating to them that you’re present and that you care. Installing a help chat app is another great way to invite interactivity and improve customer experience.

Make Your Website Interactive

You only have one chance to make a first impression so you have to ensure your website is designed to engage. Investing in an interactive website invites commitment, allows you to better personalize content, boosts your SEO, and improves your customer experience. All essential cogs in the user engagement machine. Looking to redesign your website for the new year? Get in touch today and see how we can help you.